Our farm
Berry is renowned for its rolling green pastures and rich dairy cattle history. At one time, our farm was part of a large, family-run dairy operation, but once the milk price was deregulated in the late 1990s and the local industry all but collapsed, the property became run down and was left vacant for years. But in 2014, its fortunes changed when a couple of Pitt Street farmers rode into town and a journey of renewal began.
With a keen interest in regenerative farming and improving soil health, we have systematically approached the revitalisation of our farm using techniques that eschew the use of chemical fertilisers and insecticides and instead, follow wholistic principles that encourage, in a sense, the land to heal itself. The results have been hugely rewarding.
We started by replacing all fencing and further dividing paddocks to support rotational grazing practice, which is a proven method of preserving pasture by allowing it time to rest and regrow before it is grazed again. We are working on building biodiversity in our pasture so that we can secure year round feed for our animals and improve their general health and production.
We have secured the extensive bushland areas of the property from intrusion by our sheep and cattle so that it can regenerate and provide a haven for birdlife and other native animals, whilst it also acts as a recharge system that holds water for slow release into the pastures below. Further, on soil rehydration, we have worked to create a series of leaky weirs which are designed to retain water in the land, like dams do, but beneath the surface of the pasture.
Building up the organic matter in our pastures is paramount, as the degradation of years of traditional dairy farming followed by years of neglect had left extensive patches of bare land and pasture that was depleted of optimal nutritional value.
We like to see SoCo Farm as a shared sanctuary; not only is it home to us and our farm animals, it is also home to any number of roaming peacocks who grace us with their presence whenever it suits them. It is also a haven where wallabies, wombats, echidna, turtles, insects and a chorus of bird life is welcomed and cherished. SoCo Farm nourishes all of our souls!